

Our young little Black Lab. And right now the unfortunate victim of my/ our inconsistency.
I thought that things had been going great. Raven has started behaviors that were acceptable. Responding to Kara and me when called, and even Bubba too. She has been learning to sit, and learning to stay. These are things that we (and Raven) have started by accident, rather than by design. And, I don’t foresee to many leash problems once we (I) work out a regular walking schedule for us.

But there have still been some issues that I guess I need to address; as my ears are still ringing from the twenty-minute wakeup call Kara gave me. Raven is still chewing too much, and chewing the wrong things, not the least of which is Kara’s favorite undergarments, kids toys, and some other unmentionables. There has also been the issue of Raven still using the bathroom inside the house. This happens a lot less than before, but still way too often. What I have learned is that it takes a lot more diligence and surveillance on our (my) behalf.

So today, hopefully we can trun over a new leaf for Raven before things get outta control. I’ve looked into a bunch of great websites and maybe I’ll list them later, but as a basic start her is a decent one with twelve great tips for dog training.

http://www.inch.com/~dogs/twelvetips.html also

Til next time,

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