

Well, it has been a heckuva long time since I updated anything…so as quick cheat sheet/ Readers’ Digest version of the last month: here goes…

Conveniently broken down into bite size chucks, divided into categories.


For all intents and purposes the move is complete, and it was a moderate to genuine success.

Kara and I got in to paint and bring some life to the institutional white walls. Decorating took a little time to get things the way we wanted it. Good thing we discussed a lot of it in advance.

We have recently added a new (enormous) desk to our office, and a new armoire. Specifics may follow if I get time.


Is outstanding, those of you who have been privy to the stories know that for the past four years our immediate neighbors in Gagetown were an absolute pain in the ass. I would have rathered been living next to a sewage treatment facility full of vipers.

The kids (and Kara) have definitely assimilated themselves into the area…and though the street out front is busy by local standards it is like an rarely traveled footpath compared to the ol’ neck o’ the woods.

All is good.


Sadly, I have abandoned my ‘marathon is ‘06’ thoughts. Workup training for TF 1-07 is too demanding and unpredictable (even in it’s micro managed planning status) to allow me to dedicate the time required to meet such a goal…

However, my running continues, and I am trying to sustain runs and a ‘training schedule’ that would still leave me able to compete in a 10km race with little prep time, or a Half marathon (21km) on short notice. This includes one long run a week 9-13 km, whatever I can swing. Plus two shorter higher intensity runs, either speed work or tempo style runs…

Also I bought a bike yesterday, is a hybrid style bike. It is not a road bike, not a mountain bike. It has fairly big thin wheels and a lightweight frame. My primary intent is to commute to work, but also go out and pound the roads a couple times a week when I can… Start my Duathalon training as quick as I can.


I started officially training with the 2RCR Battle Group last week. It was the first time all the players had come together to for the command element that will be deploying in ’07.. It was a great experience, many lessons learned and I look forward to the coming months…


Yeah, my writing, while on leave I wrote about five short stories and sketched out some more. I’m letting them sit before I go back and review them…Any one interested in giving them a read….?

That’s all for know. Specifics will come as I think of them.


Trish McCourt said...

OH, oh, oh, Pick me! pick me!

BTW glad to hear the updates, and hear all is well! :)

Tony said...

Glad everything went well with the move and they you're all settled in. Now when are you coming up to help me insulate my basement? ;)

I'd be interested in reading yer stories. Do they start with "Candy was the hot new receptionist at work..." ?

Scotty said...

OK Ok Trish, you have the job, you don't have to beg...wait a minute...*insert evil smiley here* maybe you should beg......

Scotty said...

Tone-loc, I don't write those ones any more....the internet put me out of business...